Mississippi Kite

My well planned day took a turn to the interesting today, when a gentleman brought over a baby bird. He found it in his yard, offered it water and it spent hours just drinking water. He said it couldn’t fly and he didn’t want it to get hurt so would I take it. SURE!

My well planned day took a turn to the interesting today, when a gentleman brought over a baby bird. He found it in his yard, offered it water and it spent hours just drinking water. He said it couldn’t fly and he didn’t want it to get hurt so would I take it. SURE!
It was a baby Mississippi Kite. It was still partially covered in down. So I contacted my local Texas and US wild bird Permitee and arranged to meet to give her the bird. Fascinatingly, she said she has been getting many of these and presently had 6! We hypothesized that it was the extreme heat driving these babies out of their nests looking for water. At 112 degrees and low humidity these guys dry up and die, fast.

All the wild creatures are thirsty and dying. Put out water, any amount in any kind of a container. The birds and other wild life will appreciate it.