Counting my Love Birds

Yesterday I frantically searched my aviary for “missing” love birds. I climbed up the tree to look into corners, and fell. I counted my love birds over and over, and two were missing. The aviary is secure, concrete walls, heavy wire, redwood and oak rafters, concrete waterfall with shallow ponds, surrounded by large rocks. Finally my husband came in to help me gentle lift the rocks looking for bird bodies. 🙁

Yesterday I frantically searched my aviary for “missing” love birds. I climbed up the tree to look into corners, and fell. I counted my love birds over and over, and two were missing. The aviary is secure, concrete walls, heavy wire, redwood and oak rafters, concrete waterfall with shallow ponds, surrounded by large rocks. Finally my husband came in to help me gentle lift the rocks looking for bird bodies. 🙁

What we found was a nest back in under the rocks containing two lovebirds!! It never occurred to me that they would go in around the rocks on the ground, let alone build a nest in there. I don’t even know if they are male and female, only time will tell. They have gone to so much trouble to find a “home” that I am leaving them alone. We made very sure their tunnel was solid and intact so that they can come and go as they please, safe in the aviary, to my great relief.