“Birdy Bread”

It has been a beautiful fall and I feel like cooking. Not for people but for my birds. I buy Jiffy cornbread mix and follow the directions. What makes it “Birdy Bread” are all the goodies you add. I chop in fresh jalapenas, sprinkle in bird seed and some fresh herbs from the garden. I bake according to directions and serve up when cool.

It has been a beautiful fall and I feel like cooking. Not for people but for my birds. I buy Jiffy cornbread mix and follow the directions. What makes it “Birdy Bread” are all the goodies you add. I chop in fresh jalapenas, sprinkle in bird seed and some fresh herbs from the garden. I bake according to directions and serve up when cool.
The combinations are endless. I have used left over vegetables, fruit, over ripe bananas or plain. The birds do not care, they seem to enjoy it all equally. If you have just one bird, make up tiny muffins and freeze the rest for special treats. The only thing I have to watch is that my husband Jim doesn’t eat it.