Sadly that lady we rescued all the birds from last week, died yesterday. Her family called asking for me to get the rest of her birds! In the same environment as the others was a Quaker parrot, a Congo African Gray and a Hyacinth Macaw. All were in filth and in terrible condition, in a darkened bedroom in cages without any toys or perches. I don’t have any ages on these birds and it really doesn’t matter. They are safe now.
Sadly that lady we rescued all the birds from last week, died yesterday. Her family called asking for me to get the rest of her birds! In the same environment as the others was a Quaker parrot, a Congo African Gray and a Hyacinth Macaw. All were in filth and in terrible condition, in a darkened bedroom in cages without any toys or perches. I don’t have any ages on these birds and it really doesn’t matter. They are safe now.
Tomorrow afternoon two vets from the Family Pet Care Center, in Fort Worth, are coming to the Sanctuary to examine all 38 parrots in quarantine and draw blood to evaluate for contagious diseases. Many of these birds may be un-adoptable but none will be euthanized and all will be treated. They will be given the best quality of life that I can humanly provide.
Pray for us.