Fred/Franny is alive and well!
Year: 2021
Wild Bird Substitute Foods
Substitution chart for wild bird foods
Indonesian Bird Market
I was walking through a bird market in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Found a baby bird
Step One is always put it back!
Birds, Disease and You
These are the potentially life threatening risks.
Bird Care Basics
Just as any animal or human has a required level of good grooming, to maintain good health, so does your bird.
Part 2 Fred Goes to Arizona
For months we struggled to get Fred to heal. He was so sweet and we were always putting on new collars, coats, a vest, trying new wound treatments to get a little healing then he would tear open the wound and we would start all over again.
Part 1 Story of Fred
A few weeks ago we had a Lesser Sulfur Crested Cockatoo surrendered to the Sanctuary. HER name is Fred.
The First 48 Hours
By Dr. Melody M. Potter You have decided to adopt a parrot, a great, wonderful, noble decision; but now you are home with this bird.
Stop Kissing Chickens!
More salmonella warnings! It’s not going away.