Wild Bird Substitute Foods

Wild Bird Substitute Foods

Science Diet’s dry dog and cat chows are an excellent base for temporary feeding of wild baby birds. Powdered and moistened with water to an applesauce consistency is the usable bird formula. Exact, a birdseed manufacturer, makes a powdered baby bird hand feeding formula, that I have NOT had positive results using. Be advised that none of these foods is as complete as the diet provided by the natural parents.

The substitution list below provides general information and is by no means a guarantee that the nutritional needs of the baby bird are met in full. Be sure to provide fresh water.

BirdNatural FoodSubstitute
CuckoosTent caterpillars, worms, insects, lizardsMeal worms, beef heart rolled in bone meal, Science
Diet Puree
RoadrunnerSnakes, sunflower seeds, pecans and lizardsBeef heart, mealworms, mice and chicks.
Jays and CrowsInsects, sunflower seeds, pecans, lizardsScience Diet, mealworms, nuts, seeds, fruit, and
Mockingbirds, Robins, Catbirds, bluebirds, Thrushes,
Cedar Waxwings, Warblers, Thrashers, Starlings, Sparrows Blackbirds,
meadow larks, Cowbirds,
Pokeberry, holly, sumac, grapes, cherries,
chinaberries, pyracantha, cedar berries, insects, weed seeds.
Raisins, chopped fruit, Science diet, Mealworms,
wild bird seeds
Cardinals, finchesInsects, sunflower seeds, weed seeds, fruitMealworms, sunflower seeds, wild birdseed, chopped
fruit, Science Diet.
ShrikesInsects, wasps, small birds, rodent and frogsBeef heart rolled in eggshell, meal worms,
grasshoppers, crickets, mice, Science Diet.
HummingbirdsNectar from flowers, tiny insectsCommercial hummingbird mix
Kingbirds, Nighthawks, Whippoorwills, Swifts,
flycatchers, Swallows
Insects. Eat in flight and must be hand fed.Beef heart rolled in eggshell, meal worms, crickets,
insects, Science Diet.
KingfishersFish, crabs, frogs, lizards, locustSmelt, beef heart, lean beef
Woodpeckers, FlickersGrubs, ants, beetles, some fruit and berriesMealworms, chopped apples, beef heart rolled in egg
shell, Science Diet
Chickadees, Titmice, Nuthatchers, TowheesPine seeds, sunflower seeds, insects, some fruitSunflower seeds, pine nuts, Science Diet, fruit
Doves, PigeonsSeed,Pureed Science Diet, baby strained chicken add avian