Canary Winged Parakeet

Canary Winged Parakeet

As a rehabber of feather I am given all manner of unwanted pet birds. Generally I stick with the little guys. Last week I was given a Canary Winged Parakeet. Never heard of them so I said yes, after all it was just a parakeet. right?

This is what I brought home. First thing “Harvey” did was bite me, definitely not the first time that has happened. So I moved Harvey from the transport cage into a big cage with lots of natural wood, food and water. I left him alone for a few days to watch me, my pair of cockatiels and ring neck parakeet. Oh yes, and my constant companion Winston, my dog. Lots of activity, music, TV and free flying birds. Harvey just watched.

Today that changed. Harvey has been a grouch and tried to bite every time I touched her cage. So today I opened the door and walked away. She flew around the room, stepped up on my finger, splashed in her water. The other birds were locked up so she was able to do a safe fly by. She played on the outside of her cage and went back in for a nap, food and water. Freedom has transformed this little bird into the sweetheart I was told she was.

Oh the name is Harvey but I was told she was male preferential so in the absence of any other information, I decided Harvey was a girl.