
Yesterday we were able to finish the new cage for the cockatiels and get it hung in a clump of oak trees. It has no toys or plants yet (I ran out of energy) but today I will be putting in foraging toys and pots of lemon grass. There are 12 cockatiels in this 4′ by 4′ by 8′ flight, plenty of food and water but no nest boxes.

Yesterday we were able to finish the new cage for the cockatiels and get it hung in a clump of oak trees. It has no toys or plants yet (I ran out of energy) but today I will be putting in foraging toys and pots of lemon grass. There are 12 cockatiels in this 4′ by 4′ by 8′ flight, plenty of food and water but no nest boxes.

While we were transferring the cockatiels from other cages, to the new one, one male flew off. He circled high over head. Our nesting barn swallows were annoyed and flew off after him. High above a return pair of Mississippi Kites, glided on the air currents and watched the activity. We watched and waited and finally the male cockatiel had had enough adventure and landed on Jim.

With all the birds safely in their new home, Jim and I just sat there and watched them. It will take a few days and the males will start singing again.

We on the other hand have to now design and build a new african gray environment. We are working to make it natural as possible, interesting and spacious. It will totally freak out the grays but that is another challenge we will address after I have more coffee.