The latest issue of Good Bird Magazine is now available. It is packed with information on training, enrichment, behavior problem resolution, success stories and more. Here are a few of the article titles.
Identify the Parrot Call
What Wild Parrots Teach Us
How to Chain a Series of Behaviors
A Priceless Parrot Teaches a Man to Talk
Why Do People Give Up Parrots? – Survey Results
Parrot Profiles – Budgies, Conures, Eclectus, Caiques
Training an African Grey Parrot to Use a Hanging Gym
To view the current issue click on this link (
The latest issue of Good Bird Magazine is now available. It is packed with information on training, enrichment, behavior problem resolution, success stories and more. Here are a few of the article titles.
Identify the Parrot Call
What Wild Parrots Teach Us
How to Chain a Series of Behaviors
A Priceless Parrot Teaches a Man to Talk
Why Do People Give Up Parrots? – Survey Results
Parrot Profiles – Budgies, Conures, Eclectus, Caiques
Training an African Grey Parrot to Use a Hanging Gym
To view the current issue click on this link (
IMPORTANT ACCESS INFO:You will need to log in, then click on the Good Bird Magazine Tab to access the current issue. If this is your first time at the site, you will need to REGISTER FIRST before you can log in.(This is a different system than your Good Bird Inc order account so a separate registration is required to get started.) The “register” link is just below the “log in.” Be sure to use the email address associated with your subscription. If you have any problems logging in, please contact [email protected].
SMART PHONE AND E-READER USERS: Read Good Bird Magazine on your device! Good Bird Magazine can be downloaded in a pdf format. You will find it under the Good Bird Magazine tab. For iPhones and iPads try the free application iBooks.
I also wanted to remind you that as of the Spring 2010 issue Good Bird Magazine is now a digital publication. We are no longer offering the print version. However the new format includes video, audio, searchability and so much more. It far exceeds what we could accomplish with print.
Learn more about the Good Bird Magazine Subscription and WingNutz membership here (
We hope you enjoy the latest issue.
Barbara Heidenreich
Good Bird Inc