Coco has a new home

This note was just received from Coco’s new owner. Success for Coco at last!!

This note was just received from Coco’s new owner. Success for Coco at last!!

Well, I think Koko knows she is home. She sqauwked quite a bit last night probably testing the waters. She spent a little time on my shoulders and then didn’t want to get off. But finally got her in her new cage. This morning she seems perfectly content, the dogs are not bothering her at all, in spite of the fact that I have one who obviously wants to pester her. So I think we are off to a very good start and we will get to know each other quickly. She is eating a little and drinking. I picked up some new toys for her last night but so far no interest in those.

Will try to send you updates from time to time.

Thanks again