December Newsletter – not yet

That sentence asumes that I will get a news letter out this month. We have been so busy with so many wonderful things. Of note, yesterday the Weatherford Democrat (Ironic if you know me) Newspaper came to Bird Tails to tour, photograph and write an article for the Sunday feature edition. Thankfully, two new volunteers, Alexandra and Stacy Nichols, we cleaning cages and scrubbing floors. The bird house smells wonderful and I was able to spend time with the reporter. On top of that Weatherford Farmers Market donated two bushels of fresh produce. We processed and froze as much as possible and will serve the rest fresh to the birds.

Today should be quieter (that was sarcasm) we have two families coming to surrender their birds today. The umbrella cockatoo is just not eating well so I have her on baby bird food every two hours to get her back in shape. She will need to be adopted by someone that is at home and able to encourage Coco to eat.
Tammy and Doug Wright, volunteers are working First Monday Trade Days and have taken a load of Bird Tails donations to sell for us. We had a garage sale in the fall but trade days brings in more people and more revenue. Thank you Doug and Tammy.

Bird Tails Needs:
1-Our little chest freezer is packed solid with frozen vegetable for the birds, we need a donation of a large freezer.
2- We need newspapers for the cage bottoms. The cages are cleaned and changed every other day and that uses a lot of paper. Jim’s old blueprints are in use now but we can see that bottom of the barrel.
3- We are bird cage challenged! All our cages are in use so anyone that has any cages, any size or condition, please consider donating them to Bird Tails. Weatherford Powder Works is performing miracle sand blasting, powder coating, welding old cages back to new condition , very inexpensively. They are being EXTREMELY good to us.
4- We need to build two new aviaries. One large for the big birds to free fly and a small one for cockatiel and other small birds. We have made contacts for donations of material and need this project added to your prayer lists.
I have been sitting still long enough, “time to go to work”.
5- Anyone needs a tax deduction for this year – remember Donations to Bird Tails Inc. are tax deductible.

Important note – From now on use the .org for Bird
talk later