Baby Duck

I brought home a little fuzz ball from the Sanctuary yesterday. He is more commonly known as a baby duck, though there is no telling what ‘kind’ he is at this point.

When I got him home and let him out of the cage in the yard, he followed me around just the like the little geese followed young Anna Paquin around in Fly Away Home (great movie if you haven’t seen it). He is SO cute!!

I brought home a little fuzz ball from the Sanctuary yesterday. He is more commonly known as a baby duck, though there is no telling what ‘kind’ he is at this point.

When I got him home and let him out of the cage in the yard, he followed me around just the like the little geese followed young Anna Paquin around in Fly Away Home (great movie if you haven’t seen it). He is SO cute!!

When I put him in the cage for the night, he ‘cried’ for the longest time. I found a little stuffed animal that looked alot like him 🙂 and put it in his cage so he might cuddle with it. He didn’t stop crying, so I called the Sanctuary and Jean assured me that he was just doing what little ducks do and it would be fine.

Everything WAS fine when I went to check on him this morning and we went back to grazing in the yard for a while. Well, he grazed, I laughed. What a wonderful thing – fostering!