We that live in North Texas are in the flyway for the migratory bird, Mississippi Kites. The adult arrive in our area in spring from South America, breed and in the hottest days of summer, the kite fledglings leave the nest. In the fall they will all fly back to South America.
What’s happening TODAY!? My phone is exploding with callers telling me they have found a hawk. To verify, I have the finders send me a picture of what they have found. 100% have been Mississippi Kites! The fledglings are out of the nests, on the ground and need a little help. It is very simple, follow my instruction and it will work.
This is my favorite bird. They are gentle, social falcons. They are in our area in huge numbers. Summer in Texas with 100+ degrees every day and no rain, is the perfect situation for dehydration and heat exhaustion in all living creatures. The Kite fledglings, young birds, have less reserves and are not tolerating the heat, at all.
Step One – Do not feed it! It will whistle for it’s parents if it is hungry. They will come down and feed it. This parent, on the right, has come down to feed it’s baby, fledgling, on the left.
Step Two – Cool it down by sprinkling water all over it. Turn on your lawn sprinklers, put out a large non metallic pan of water and keep an inch or two in it for the rest of the summer.

Step Three – They need a drink. I use a spray bottle and spray them in the face then watch them swallow. Often they will open their mouth and let you spray water directly into their mouth. I add a splash of Pedialyte to the birdbath water and spray bottle to supply some extra electrolytes to their systems.
Finally- They a migrating birds and do not need to be removed from the area when you find them. They need water! They need their parents to finish raising them. Their ability to fly is delayed because they are weaken by the heat and dehydration. They need another month to mature and this fall will join the migration, if you leave them alone. This bird is hot, not injured, doesn’t need to go anywhere.
Thank you for your help and understanding.