Aloe Vera

Herbal Treatments for NonHumans

by Dr. Melody M. Potter


The potential for harm to our birds and animals by herbal remedies is somewhat less than that of pharmaceuticals, so start with minute amounts and increase gradually to the optimal level. Herbs are readily available (and often free for the picking or digging). Herbal medications tend to act more slowly than pharmaceuticals, so if you need something fast acting, see a veterinarian.

Herbs are multitalented healers: Herbal antibiotics are typically effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi; synthetic antibiotics usually have a limited range of effectiveness, and many only affect one specific category of bacteria.

When using the milder herbs, one might use the method of establishing the correct dosage for a human infant of about ten pounds, and use one tenth the amount for a parrot weighing approximately one pound. For other animals use their approximate weight compared to that of a human child.


The most popular herbal remedy for the care of parrots seems to be aloe. One popular use of aloe is a topical spray to sooth the irritated skin of birds that engage in feather plucking. Dramatic results can be obtained with this protocol when used on parrots who are destroying their feathers due to an itchy condition of the skin. Even in cases of psychological plucking, the aloe spray has been known to slow down feather destruction, due to the fact that damp feathers seem to dampen the urge to pluck.

The easiest way to obtain a quality aloe spray for parrots is to buy it from a health food store, not WalMart since reports of WalMart aloe has suggested it has little aloe. Recommended is George’s Aloe Spray, which comes in a spray bottle with eight ounces for approximately five dollars. Otherwise, a spray can be made by obtaining a new and clean spray bottle and filling it with a solution of one part pure aloe vera juice to three parts distilled water.


“In desperation with a sick bird, I went browsing in a health food store with the hope of finding something that might save my beloved bird. Both vets had mentioned liver damage so I decided to try a liver-detoxifying agent called Aloe Detox by Naturade. I was shocked at the immediate response — her appetite returned, she began perching for the first time in weeks and she became responsive to her surroundings again.

After a couple weeks of steady improvement and when she seemed normal again, I took her back to one of the treating vets for blood work. He was pleasantly surprised just to see her alive, and he drew blood for re-testing. He phoned me with the results of the CBC and said “If I had not drawn the blood myself, I would not believe that it came from the same bird. All of her liver values are completely normal!”

In hindsight, I wish that I had kept a log of all her treatments, including the Aloe Detox, but the dosage that I used was, at best, unscientific, being simply all that I could get into her. I made her drinking water half Aloe Detox, soaked her bird bread in it, and put it on everything that she would eat. Being a non-toxic product, I felt that there was no danger of overdosing her. Due to the serious nature of her condition, there was nothing to lose.”

Through the internet and by word of mouth, Aloe Detox has become popular with quite a few Avian vets in the U.S. and has been credited with saving many birds; it should be an integral part of all Avian first-aid kits.

Product description: NATURADE Detoxifying Formula, Double Strength Aloe Vera Gel (200:1) with Aloe Pulp and Natural Herbal Blend: Milk Thistle, Burdock, Dandelion, Echinacea, Green Tea, Red Clover and Blue Cohosh. Cost: $15 per quart. Buy at health food stores or NATURADE web site at:


Echinacea has been called an herbal antibiotic on the level of penicillin. The plant and its extracts currently are being marketed primarily for their effect of stimulating the immune system through several different mechanisms — stimulation of phagocytosis, increased motility of leukocytes, and increase in T-lymphocytes and interferon production.

Echinacea also inhibits hyaluronidase, which may prevent the spread of microorganisms throughout the body. Dr Greg Harrison says that he has seen a clinical response in sick birds who have evidence of infection and in birds following antibiotic therapy. He says too that birds with chronic pin feathers, liver problems, pox lesions, allergic dermatitis, and any clinical sign suggesting the need for immune stimulation have shown response to Echinacea.

Toxicity studies in animals indicate that Echinacea is nontoxic. Mix 3 ml of echinacea extract with 7 ml of lactulose (a non-prescription product from pharmacies) or some other bird friendly liquid. Administer one drop twice daily to a budgie-size bird.

The recommended dose of echinacea for a larger parrot or other animal is 2.5 drops per kg of body weight, or 5 drops per cup of drinking water. It is thought that echinacea should be administered for only two weeks in succession, followed by two weeks off the herb. Echinacea alone should not be used to treat a critically ill bird that needs aggressive antibiotic treatment.

The following is a list of other herbs and the conditions for which they can be used in the treatment of parrots.


Aids in allergies and arthritic conditions of parrots by removing toxins from the body; neutralizing acids, and purifying the blood. Alfalfa stimulates the appetite, and aids in the assimilation of protein, calcium & other nutrients.


Fresh aloe gel is a perfect application for small cuts, abrasions, and rashes on parrots’ skin. It dries and heals the injury.


Calendula has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal activity. It also is very effective for healing wounds. It acts as a general tonic and as a liver stimulant when taken internally as a tea or tincture.


The active ingredient, capsaicin, is an appetite stimulant and a good natural treatment for sinus congestion in parrots. Used topically, it is an anti-inflammatory agent. Parrots enjoy its fiery taste.


One of nature’s safest and mildest sedatives useful to calm birds in stressful situations. Studies show that this herb also kills the yeast fungi Candida albicans as well as certain staph bacteria.


Exerts mild anti-fungal effect on candida and other types of yeast, and aspergillus. It also has a mild anti-bacterial effect against strep and staph bacteria.


Helpful in diseases of the liver and digestive organs. Useful in the treatment of arthritis.


Used as an immunostimulant. May speed recovery in some cases of poxvirus and in debilitated birds. Also possesses anti-bacterial properties.


Useful herb for protecting and maintaining the health of parrots’ eyes. A strong tea of eyebright, used as a wash, is perfect for irritated eyes on all pets.


Has anti-oxidant properties as well as anti-parasitic properties which kill intestinal parasites. It protects the liver from the damage of chemical pollutants in the air and in food and water supply. Researchers at the University of Cambridge in England found that garlic juice is as strong as the antifungal drugs, Amphotericin and Nystatin, against Candida, a fungal problem sometimes found in parrots.

Garlic should be used sparingly in the bird diet, and in the form of fresh garlic slices rather than concentrated garlic powder. One or two thin slices once or twice a week is sufficient. Garlic belongs to a family of plants that may cause anemia in some animals if given for long periods of time.


Excellent to prevent motion sickness when parrots must travel. Use a few drops of ginger extract in the water, and slices of fresh ginger offered the night before the bird must travel. Very useful against nausea and regurgitation.


One of many herbs containing the biochemical berberine—in addition to being immunostimulatory, it has antibiotic activity against many bacteria and fungi. Goldenseal is especially good for use in any inflammatory condition involving the mucus membranes, and it’s also good for gastrointestinal and liver problems. Wild goldenseal has been harvested to the brink of extinction; be certain the product you use has been organically grown—or a good substitute herb is Oregon grape root (Mahonia aquifolium).


A member of the pepper family, and popular among people in the South Pacific islands since earliest times, Kava Kava has sedative and tranquilizing effects. It is useful in some cases of feather plucking and hyperactivity of parrots. This herb is quite strong and therefore must be used sparingly.


Licorice root is a herbal substitute for cortisone, and use it whenever an anti-inflammatory medication is indicated. Furthermore, licorice is an herbal adaptogen, a substance that works with all the body’s systems and helps them return to normal whenever they are stressed or “out of balance.” In addition, licorice is a mild antimicrobial, inhibiting the growth of some bacteria and viruses. Can cause sodium and water retention and potassium depletion.


Seeds contain silymarin, a flavonoid that is effective for liver disorders. This is the main herbal ingredient of Aloe Detox and the number one herb for the treatment of all liver problems. Milk thistle has been used without side effects for years. Can combine with glutathione for added strength.


There are several mints; most have similar actions. The two most popular mints are peppermint (Mentha×piperita) and spearmint (M. spicata). They have calming effects on the gastrointestinal tract.


Passiflora incarnata, also commonly known as Maypop acts as a gentle sedative and may be the best natural parrot tranquilizer. Parrots that engage in feather destruction may respond favorably to either Passion Flower, Kava Kava, or St.Johns Wort. Hyperactive parrots or those with compulsive behavior patterns may be helped by Passion Flower.


Or Taheebo is considered a “miracle bark” from a South American tree, with anti-fungal properties effective against aspergillosis, candida and intestinal parasites in humans and parrots alike. Put the tea in the animals water and/or drench with syringe several times a day.


Hypericum has anti-depressant qualities and can be tried as a substitute for Haloperidol in some feather-plucking parrots. Not all herbs work the same in all parrots so it may be necessary to try more than one for some symptoms. St. Johns Wort could possibly be a problem if administered to parrots that live outside with access to direct sunlight. The reason for this warning is that there were studies of sheep that ingested extremely large quantities of pure hypericum-perforatum and died of phototoxicity. This may or may not apply to parrots. No studies have been published on the use of St. Johns Wort in parrots.


Sea vegetables such as Kelp, Wakame, Undaria, Kombu and Nori protect parrots as well as humans against several gram positive and gram negative bacteria known to potentiate carcinogens in the system. They possess anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-tumor properties. They are powerful immunostimulants.


Used externally for wounds, burns, rashes, abscesses, boils, or insect bites, and internally for the lungs, coughing, and vomiting.


Thyme is a good cough remedy, combining its expectorant, antispasmodic and antimicrobial activities for the effective treatment of asthma and chronic or acute bronchitis. It is also useful for treating bellyaches and sluggish digestion. Thyme is also strongly antiseptic, used as a poultice or salve for treating external wounds.


Used as a sedative and pain reliever, stronger than most other herbal sedatives. Should be used only with the advice of an experienced herbalist.


Use it externally to treat all sorts of wounds. Taken internally, the herb aids the liver, upset stomachs and poor digestion. It is one of the best herbs to treat fevers, making it a good choice for treating mild colds and viral infections.



  • BORAGE – Contains toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids
  • CALAMUS – Indian type most toxic
  • CHAPPARAL – Can induce severe liver toxicity
  • COLSTFOOT – Contains carcinogenic alkaloids
  • COMFREY – Contains toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids
  • EPHEDRA or MA HUANG – Can cause dangerous increase in heart rate/blood pressure
  • GERMANDER – Can cause liver toxicity
  • MA HUANG – Has caused heart attacks, seizures, psychotic episodes and death in humans
  • LIFE ROOT – Can cause liver toxicity
  • LOBELIA – Also called Indian tobacco, can lead to vomiting, convulsions, coma and death
  • PENNYROYAL – The oil is highly toxic to the liver and interferes with blood clotting
  • POKEROOT – May be fatal
  • SASSAFRASS – Ineffective and carcinogenic
  • YOHIMBE – Yohimbine is on the USFDA unsafe herb list of March 1977 and there is no proof of effectiveness in animal or human studies. It causes blood vessel dilation in animals and humans. It can cause weakness, paralysis, gastrointestinal problems and even psychosis in humans.
  • Adapted from and Randy Kidd, DVM