My first love in birds is always going to be hawks or owls but this week I took in 11 parakeets, one cockatiels, transported two hawks to Blackland Prairie Raptor Center and accepted 6 Society Finches. I haven’t had finches surrendered in decades. They are utterly enchanting. They make a tiny beeping sound, flit around the cage in constant motion and take long bathes every day.
I just gave them fresh bath water and baby spinach in addition to the finch seed. The wonderful lady that brought them to me has taken great care of them. She kept them under a special lamp for the added Vitamin D that they need for their fine, tiny feathers.
They are almost as tiny as a hummingbirds and practically as active. I pled very limited knowledge of finches, but I do recall that the Society Finch was the most gentle and accepting of other types of finch. The sources on the internet claims they have a life span of 4 to 7 years. I question that because this little group of birds are almost 10 years old.
For now they are my companions, scattering seed and splashing water on the floor. Yes they are terribly mess and a pleasure to watch.