This is Poppy. He is 11 years old, and since he, and many of the other birds at Bird Tails, live as long as humans, he is the equivalent of an 11 year-old child. When his owner become sick and required oxygen to breathe, she placed Poppy in the care of Bird Tails – the only bird sanctuary in Weatherford, which is less than 5 minutes from my house. Believe it or not, birds grieve horribly, and it’s apparent that Poppy is very sad. But Bird Tails is providing loving humans to help Poppy recover from his loss.
This is Poppy. He is 11 years old, and since he, and many of the other birds at Bird Tails, live as long as humans, he is the equivalent of an 11 year-old child. When his owner become sick and required oxygen to breathe, she placed Poppy in the care of Bird Tails – the only bird sanctuary in Weatherford, which is less than 5 minutes from my house. Believe it or not, birds grieve horribly, and it’s apparent that Poppy is very sad. But Bird Tails is providing loving humans to help Poppy recover from his loss.
American State Bank is sponsoring a contest that awards 5000, 3000, and 2000 dollars to the 3 non-profit organizations in Weatherford who get the most votes. By following this link,, you can vote for Bird Tails, a selfless group in desperate need of money, especially since Winter is on the way. If they win, Poppy and the other 55 (and growing) birds at the sanctuary can continue to have good food, shelter, and love. You don’t have to live in Weatherford, you CAN vote once a day, and kids that have their own email can vote, too – so we would appreciate it so much if you, and anybody you can talk into it, would vote everyday up to November 12! Remember, Poppy is only 11, and most of the other large birds are this young, too – they still have approximately 65-70 years to live and the money from this contest can help them find good homes and provide support for the ones who don’t. (Written by my 14 year-old grandson, Ramsey Moore)
Thank you so much,