JBG are both our initials (how cute.) We are a licensed Bird of Prey Rehabilitation Center. The guy that brought us a Pot Belly Pig must believe that Pigs Can Fly. Generally people don’t make that mistake and call us for anything with feathers. For the little song birds, we transport them to Rehabbers that specialize in them. We are called when a Hawk, Owl or other large bird is down and we rescue it. If the bird requires surgery there are a select few Vets and one Orthopedic Surgeon that will do the surgery and we take them back for flight conditioning and feeding.
JBG are both our initials (how cute.) We are a licensed Bird of Prey Rehabilitation Center. The guy that brought us a Pot Belly Pig must believe that Pigs Can Fly. Generally people don’t make that mistake and call us for anything with feathers. For the little song birds, we transport them to Rehabbers that specialize in them. We are called when a Hawk, Owl or other large bird is down and we rescue it. If the bird requires surgery there are a select few Vets and one Orthopedic Surgeon that will do the surgery and we take them back for flight conditioning and feeding.
We do get baby hawks and owls in the spring to hand feed until they can go into a large flight pen where they must learn to fly and hunt for food. Birds of Prey are meat eaters so we raise our own rats, hundred and hundreds of RATS! That always grosses out the faint of heart. But it is a necessity. We have to provide live food for the young birds to capture, kill and eat. If the skill is not developed the birds would starve to death. In fact we often get in young Birds of Prey that are starving. The last few years the winters have been mild and the rodent and the Raptor (Birds of Prey) populations are high.
We have also accepted many Exotic Birds, Cockatoos, Rheas, Chickens, Cockatiels and Parrots. The chickens came from Animal Control who got a hen and 10 chicks from a lady living in an apartment! We have built huge aviaries for the Exotics who are generally neglected and not anyone’s idea of a pet. Being bitten by a 16 inch tall Cockatoo is like having tin snips used on you. We wear heavy welders gloves. We give the birds plenty of time, attention, company of other birds, ample fresh fruit and vegetables, strong shelters to hide in and affection (if they allow it). We have also completed an aviary enclosing a live Mesquite tree for all the small Exotic to have flight room. There will be plenty of shelter, the aviary is 15 feet high and makes a 50 foot circle around the tree. We do not clip wings so the little ones will have a huge natural habitat. We will not breed birds (we gather eggs). There are plenty of them that need a home without breading more.
We do not receive any funding from anyone and this is considered a hobby so it is not tax deductible. We do trade rats for dog food (for the rats and Rhea). We do not sell our birds and are not open to the public. We try to keep a low profile so the birds will not be disturbed. This is an act of love. We learn more every day and the greatest thrill is the Release. After working with a Kestrel, Red Tail Hawk, Great Horned Owl, A Barn or Barred Owl or a baby Screech Owl or whatever, there is a wonderful feeling of success when they fly away, healthy and strong.