I have wonderful sons, but one is easier to talk into spending an evening out on a huge cattle ranch releasing raptors. There is not another soul around and I have not looked into the seriously smelly carriers. I was just told to take two black vultures to release. So I drive an hour plus west of Fort Worth. I am standing in the middle of thousands of acres and not a soul round except for my son, who has his big fancy camera ready. Release wild bird is dramatic so we are going to memorialize this moment. But no one told this to the vultures!
The carriers are unloaded from the car and sitting poised for a dramatic release. I open the doors and, and , and, nothing. Slowly one walks out and stands there looking at us! I chase him out into the pasture, he sort of flies, then land and starts eating flowers!

We have a much more exciting release as the second black vulture decides to fly away. He does a forty foot circle then comes back and tries to land on my son’s shoulder. I thought he was attacking until the bird fluttered back and tried again to land on my son. The bird hops to the ground and as my son tries to walk away the vulture is running along behind him! Being the good, caring mother I am, I laughed and I laughed!

They are young birds and want us to stay with them but it’s time to load up the carriers and head home. Problem, they are trying to get back into the carriers. When that fails they decide to ride on the roof!

They followed my car for a little while, watching from the fence posts, but then went happily back to eating flowers. No drama but a really fun adventure. I have greatly enhanced respect for vultures now.