It has been a week since the birds entered quarantine. They are getting more vocal, especially one. From day one a double yellow headed amazon has asked for popcorn. Cute and lots of birds like popcorn. Today that same bird began calling for “Mark”.
I am not sure if I am just very sad, or angry, listening to the plaintive calls of this beautiful bird, for a human that will not come. Some where in this birds past he was loved by, and love, a human named Mark. How they were separated we will never know.
It has been a week since the birds entered quarantine. They are getting more vocal, especially one. From day one a double yellow headed amazon has asked for popcorn. Cute and lots of birds like popcorn. Today that same bird began calling for “Mark”.
I am not sure if I am just very sad, or angry, listening to the plaintive calls of this beautiful bird, for a human that will not come. Some where in this birds past he was loved by, and love, a human named Mark. How they were separated we will never know.
As I grew up I read about dogs that lost their owners, were brave, and saved lives. Off the top of your head you can probably name a couple great dogs. Can you name any great birds? We don’t seem to attribute the same level of intelligence and awareness to parrots, or any bird, as we do our wonderful dogs.Yet they have the intelligence of a 5 year old child, they can talk, make their wishes know, crows can make tools to be used to make tools, to attain their objective. That is intelligence.
So how do I tell this bird that Mark is not coming?