Pad the heating pad with towels and set it on low. It will be fine. As long as you feed
him and keep him clean and warm, there is nothing else to do. Be sure to allow it plenty
of undisturbed time so it can sleep.
NEED YOUR HELP with bird
Also birds have a crop. It is a pouch down their throat where food stops before it goes
to the stomach. When you feed your baby bird you will be able to see the food puff out the
crop, It needs to have enough food to fill the crop and the crop needs to be empty before
you feed it again. Look at it’s throat and you will see what I am talking about.
Describe its beak and size. The shape of the beak determines what it eats.
Also this baby bird will imprint and you will become mom so even as an adult it
will make the tiny baby noises when it is with you. You can hold it in you hand to keep it
warm and let it sleep. Because it is so late in the year it will not be releasable until
next spring. It may be migratory and the rest of it’s kind have flown and there is no
mother bird to teach it what to eat all winter.
So settle back and get accustomed to it’s little noises. Eventually you will be able to
move it to a bird cage then come spring, I teach you how to release it so it will
survive.The nice part about hand raising wild birds is that they can be released and they
come back year after year.
Have a good day, Jean
—–Original Message—–
From: Josh and Coleen <[email protected]>
To: Jean
Date: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 8:37 PM
Subject: Fw: NEED YOUR HELP with birdTHANK YOU!!! he is sitting here
beside me in a box, but i made a big mistake, it sounds like – i put him on a bed of grass
and human hair. he is on e heating pad and the temp is 99. I can’t seem to get it
stay there though – keeps goin gup and down!Can you give some ideas – also, he is letting
out these tiny peeps constantly – tiny! I feel so helpless!
~~Never are those who have friends alone.
Those who have families, always a place to call home.~~—–Original Message—–
From: Jean
To: Josh and Coleen <[email protected]>
Date: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: NEED YOUR HELP with birdFirst of all get the baby on a paper
towel in a Tupperware dish so you can keep it clean. Put a towel between the Tupperware
and heating pad so you don’t cook the bird. Get a eyedropper and warm water and baby
cereal. Mix up a fine applesauce consistency. Feed it every two hour during day light
hours. Put a paper towel over the dish to keep the baby warm. It is the wrong time of year
for baby birds and chances of keeping it alive a slim but try. Don’t do bread and water or
milk. If the baby survives the next 48 hours go to Petsmart and buy Exact for
hand feeding baby birds. That will keep it going for several weeks. Once it starts tofeather out you can let me know what it looks like and I can guess at what you have. At
least then we can put the baby on the proper diet. Keep me posted and I’ll walk you
through this. It can be done and I have hand raise hundreds of these babies. It is a lot
of work and a lot of fun when the baby gets bigger. Good Luck, Jeanstyle="BORDER-LEFT: #000000 solid 2px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">—–Original Message—–
From: Josh and Coleen <[email protected]>
To: Jean
Date: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 12:27 PM
Subject: NEED YOUR HELP with birdhello – I hope you can help!!! I
am not in Texas, but Maryland. My husband brought me this tiny, tiny, tiny!!!
featherless bird – he found it while landscaping about 5 miles from our house – when i
asked him exactly where so that we ocuild folllow your basket in the tree advice, he said
he could not remember!! How do I prevent this little thing from dying? Right
now i have it in a box with grass and some soft fur from my dog. I also have the box
on a heating pad. I am afraid to give it even a drop of water because I dont
know how to do it!!Please – ANY help is appreciated!!!!
~~Never are those who have friends alone.
Those who have families, always a place to call home