Spring is baby bird season and a few suggestions are in order for "When you find a baby bird.." The reason for baby birds to be on the ground are many. Crows, Bluejays and others raid nests and either kill or push little birds out of the nest. Sibling rivalry will also cause a baby bird to be pushed out. No matter the reason the best thing to do is give the baby back to it’s parents. Adult birds can not pick up their babies and on the ground the hazards, like fire ants and cats are too great. The parents want to take care of their baby so if you will pick up the baby bird and put it back in the nest, they will care for it. If there is no nest, place the baby birds in an Easter basket and hang the basket as high up in a tree or whatever, in the area where the baby was found. Then leave it alone! The parents will find and care for the babies in the new basket. The babies have a better chance with their parent than any one else. Song birds have as many varieties of diet as there are birds. If you feed the baby the wrong thing it may be crippled or deformed, if it survives. No matter how well intended you are, the best care you can provide is to put the babies back.
If the parents are killed and you have baby birds, contact a bird rehabber according to their specialty. Get advice or get help. In the mean time keep the baby warm and quiet. A drop of water will sustain it until help can be found. You can email us for help in the north Texas area, call your Vet, call your local Audobon Hot line or the local animal control department. There are not many rehabbers but they are all over the country.
Good Luck!